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Account Status Use Case

This use case shows how you can use a mask attribute mapping and a calculated expression attribute mapping to identify user accounts that are disabled in Directory A and Directory B.


  1. Directory A identifies disabled accounts with a user attribute named AccountStatus, which is a set of flags. The second bit indicates a disabled account.
  2. Directory B identifies disabled accounts with a user attribute named u_disabled. When u_disabled is equal to "y", the account is disabled. When u_disabled is equal to "n", the account is active.


  1. Create a mask attribute mapping for Directory A:
  2. Create a calculated expression attribute mapping for Directory B:


You can reference IsDisabled when defining policies, expressions, or other objects that must determine the account status of users, without concern for the directory-specific schema, because the directories are operationally identical. SiteMinder checks the bit pattern to determine if a user is disabled when referencing Directory A and performs the calculation to determine if a user is disabled when referencing Directory B.

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