Previous Topic: Overview of a SiteMinder Federation Partnership Setup

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Installation Overview

This overview outlines the set up of a SiteMinder federated network.

The steps in each procedure are divided by producing authority tasks and consuming authority tasks. Within this organization, the procedures are further divided by SiteMinder Policy Server and SiteMinder Web Agent tasks at each site.

A producing authority can be a:

A consuming authority can be a:

Note: You can perform all the installation tasks first then complete the software configuration via the FSS Administrative UI. Either method works.

These procedures refer to the latest SiteMinder releases. For other compatible versions, see the SiteMinder Platform Matrix associated with the release.

To locate the SiteMinder Platform Support Matrix

  1. Log on to the Technical Support Site.
  2. Search for SiteMinder Platform Support Matrix.

Be aware of the following:

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