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SAMLAuthSchemeProperties Method—Sets or Retrieves SAML Metadata Properties

The SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method sets or retrieves the SAML 2.0 metadata properties that reside in an existing SAML 2.0 authentication scheme. For a complete list of SAML 2.0 metadata properties, see the method PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateSAMLAuthScheme.


The SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>SAMLAuthSchemeProperties(scheme, propsHash_ref)


The SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method accepts the following parameters:

scheme (PolicyMgtAuthScheme object)

Specifies the authentication scheme whose metadata properties are set or retrieved.

propsHash_ref (hash)

Specifies a reference to a hashtable of metadata properties to set or retrieve.

Return Value

The SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method returns one of the following values:


When the hashtable is empty, the SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method retrieves all metadata properties. You can define an empty hashtable as follows:


Then, you can reference the empty hashtable as follows:


Finally, you can pass the hashtable reference to the SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method through the propsHash_ref parameter.

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