The AddAttribute method adds an attribute to the WS-Federation Resource Partner.
The AddAttribute method has the following format:
Netgerity::PolicyMgtWSFEDResourcePartner‑>AddAttribute(attrNameFormat, value)
The AddAttribute method accepts the following parameters:
attrNameFormat (int)
Specifies one of the following attribute types:
value (string)
Specifies an attribute value in one of the following formats:
Note: The value's format must match the attribute's type, unless the type is WSFEDRP_NAMEVALUE. In this case, the value can be in any format.
Note: To allow SiteMinder to retrieve DN attributes from a nested group, preface DNSpec with an exclamation point (!), as follows: dn="!ou=People,"
Return Value
The AddAttribute method returns one of the following values:
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