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CreateSSOToken Method—Creates Single Sign-on Token Object

The CreateSSOToken method creates a single sign-on token object from a valid user session. The token contains encrypted session and other information that a custom agent can share with a standard SiteMinder Web agent. Creating single sign-on between standard and custom agents requires that the agents be in the same domain. To create the single sign-on object, the user must be logged in to the custom agent, not the SiteMinder agent.


The CreateSSOToken method has the following format:

Netegrity::AgentUser‑>CreateSSOToken(szDn, szName, szIP)


The CreateSSOToken method accepts the following parameters:

szDn (string)

Specifies the user's distinguished name.

szName (string)

Specifies the user's name.

szIP (string)

Specifies the IP address of the machine, where the user initiates the request for a protected resource.

Return Value

The CreateSSOToken method returns the following value:


To retrieve the token object in string format, use the GetString method and write the token string to the SMSESSION cookie. To decode the token and retrieve a subset of its attributes, use the Decode method.

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