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AddAttribute Method—Adds a New Affiliate Attribute

The AddAttribute method Adds a new affiliate attribute to the affiliate object.


The AddAttribute method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>AddAttribute(attrType, value)


The AddAttribute method accepts the following parameters:

attrType (int)

Specifies one of the following affiliate attribute types:

Specifies the value for the affiliate attribute. This value specification appears in the Name Value Pair column of the SiteMinder Affiliate Dialog. The format of the value specification depends upon the kind of affiliate attribute you are adding -- Static, User Attribute, or DN Attribute:

Static. A literal attribute value. A static affiliate attribute is useful for passing specific information about the user to an application at the affiliate site -- for example, the user's credit limit at the affiliate site.

User Attribute. A user profile attribute name from a user's entry in an LDAP, WinNT, or ODBC user directory -- for example, the attribute name for a user's job title or email address.

DN Attribute. The name of an attribute within an LDAP or ODBC directory object that is associated with the user. Groups to which a user belongs and Organizational Units (ou) that are part of a user DN are examples of directory objects whose attributes can be referenced as DN attributes. For example, a DN attribute can reference a company division for a user, based on the user's membership in a division.

Return Value

The AddAttribute method returns the following value:


Affiliate attributes are name/value pairs that SiteMinder provides to an affiliate in a SAML assertion. Attributes include user entitlements (such as the user's credit limit at the affiliate site) and information from a user's profile (such as job title or email address).

When an application at the affiliate site extracts affiliate attributes from the assertion, it can make the attributes available to other applications at the site as HTTP header variables or HTTP cookie variables.

Note: The total size of an assertion passed to an affiliate cannot exceed 4K. If you include a large number of attributes in an affiliate object, you may violate this limit. A maximum assertion size of 3K is recommended.

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