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Manually Create the File (72353)


The file is not created in ServletExec's configuration folder, as expected. As a result, OneView Monitor does not work.


After configuring OneView Monitor on an RHAS 4.0 platform with a supported web server, manually create the file in ServletExec's configuration folder. The ServletExec adapter uses the properties in this file to rout HTTP requests from the web server to a ServletExec Application Server (AS) instance.

The file contains the following properties:

Using the file, the ServletExec adapter applies the following algorithm to each HTTP request:

  1. Locate all ServletExec AS instances that are configured for the host specified in the HTTP request.
  2. Find a match between the URL in the HTTP request and the .instances property of one of the instances located in step 1.
  3. Forward the HTTP request to the resulting ServletExec AS instance.

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