Creates an new smkeydatabase to store keys and certificates. By default, the directory is named smkeydatabase. You can change the smkeydatabase location by modifying the file.
All private keys in the smkeydatabase are encrypted using FIPS-compliant algorithms.
Important! To store multiple keys in the database, you must define the first key you add with the alias defaultenterpriseprivatekey before you can add subsequent keys.
Arguments for -createDB are as follows:
Required. The password is used to store all data in an encrypted format in the key database. It can be a value from 6 to 32 characters. It is encrypted using the policy store key and added to the file.
(Optional) Imports the default Certificate Authority (CA) certificates during the creation of the database. These certificates are imported from the cacerts.keystore file, which is installed with the Policy Server and contains all default CA certificates. This option is the same as executing the -importDefaultCACerts option.
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