Web Agent Guides › Web Agent Configuration Guide › Authenticate Users with Forms › Use Credential Collectors for Authentication and Single Sign-On › Preserve Data Posted to a Form › Enable Post Preservation between Framework and Traditional Agents
Enable Post Preservation between Framework and Traditional Agents
Framework Agents handle POST preservation data differently than Traditional Agents do. If your SiteMinder environment uses a combination of Framework and Traditional agents, and resources hosted by one type of Agent are protected by Forms Credential Collectors (FCCs) hosted on the other type of agent, you must specify the proper template file with the following parameter:
- PostPreservationFile
Enables the transfer of POST preservation data between Traditional and Framework Agents by specifying the path to one of the following POST-preservation-template files:
- tr2fw.pptemplateIndicates that resources hosted on a server running a traditional agent are protected by an FCC running on a Framework agent.
- fw2tr.pptemplateIndicates that resources hosted on a server running a Framework agent are protected by an FCC running on a Traditional agent.
Default: No default
Example: web_agent_home/samples/forms/fw2tr.pptemplate
To enable post preservation between Framework and Traditional agents
- Determine which resources are protected by FCCs running on a different type of Agent.
- Create a list of Traditional Agents hosting resources that are protected by FCCs running on Framework Agents.
- Create a list of Framework Agents hosting resources that are protected by FCCs running on Traditional Agents.
- For any traditional Agents hosting resources (those you listed previously in step 1a), set the value of the PostPreservationFile parameter to the path of the tr2fw.pptemplate file.
- For any Framework Agents hosting resources (those you listed previously in step 1b), set the value of the PostPreservationFile parameter to the path of the fw2tr.pptemplate file.
- For all of your Framework Web Agents that communicate with Traditional Agents, set the value of the following parameter to yes:
- LegacyPostPreservationEncoding
Specifies whether the Web Agent encodes any POST preservation data in a way that is compatible with the older, Traditional, Web Agents, or with the newer, Framework Web Agents. When the value of this parameter is set to yes, the encoding is compatible with the Traditional Web Agents. When the value of this parameter is set to no, the encoding is compatible only with the Framework Web Agents.
Default: No
- Restart the web servers hosting your resources.
POST preservation is between Framework and Traditional agents is enabled.