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Service Provider Data for an Advanced Configuration

The following table lists sample data for more advanced SAML 2.0 features, such as setting up the artifact profile as well as signing and encrypting assertions.

Service Provider Component

Sample Network

Your Network

Artifact Resolution

Resolution Service:


Resolution Service:

Certificate of Certificate Authority (CA)

Certificate of CA: docCA.crt

DER-encoded cert: docCA.der

This CA signs the server-side certificate to enable SSL

Certificate of CA:

DER-encoded cert:

Public key certificate

Used to verify signature of SAML responses

Certificate: post-cert.crt



Private key and public key certificate

Used for decryption and digital signing

Private key: sp-encrypt.der

Public key: sp-encrypt.crt

Password: fedsvcs

Issuer DN: CN=Certificate Manager,OU=IAM,O=CA.COM

Serial Number: 008D 8B6A D18C 46D8 5B

Private key:

Public key:


Issuer DN:

Serial Number:

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