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Test the Credentials Selector Solution

If you have set up the various components described in this use case, you can test the Credentials Selector functionality. This test should show that you see different greetings depending on the credentials you specify.

To test the Credentials Selector

  1. Try to access the sample application, for example, by clicking on a link to it.

    You should be presented with the login screen defined by the selectlogin.fcc file.

  2. Enter one type of credential to login.

    You should see the greeting appropriate for the credentials you entered. For example, if you entered a username and SecurID PIN, you should see a greeting

    Greetings, SampleUser!
    Your authentication level is 20
    You have used the SecurID authentication
  3. Exit the application and try accessing the sample application again.
  4. Enter a different set of credentials than you did in the previous step.

    You should see a greeting message appropriate for the specified credentials.

You have successfully tested the Credentials Selector.

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