Previous Topic: Customize Assertion Processing with the Message Consumer Plug-in

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Configure the SAML 1.x Message Consumer Plug-in

To configure the message consumer plug-in for artifact or POST authentication

  1. From the Authentication Scheme Properties dialog, click Additional Configuration.

    The SAML 1.x. Auth Scheme Properties dialog opens.

  2. Implement the plug-in class.

    A sample class,, can be found in sdk/samples/messageconsumerplugin.

  3. In the Full Java Class Name field, enter the Java class name of the plug-in. This plug-in is invoked by the Message Consumer at run time.

    The plug-in class can parse and modify the assertion, and then return the result to the Message Consumer for final processing.

    Only one plug-in is allowed for each authentication scheme. For example, com.mycompany.messageconsumer.samplecode

    Note: Specify a Message Consumer plug-in for each authentication scheme.

  4. Click OK to save the changes.

    You return to the Authentication Scheme Properties dialog.

More Information:

Integrate the Message Consumer Plug-in for SAML 1.x Authentication

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