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How Agent Key Management and Session Timeouts are Coordinated

SiteMinder Web Agents use a key to encrypt and decrypt any cookies that pass between Web Agents in a SiteMinder environment. All keys must be set to the same value for all Web Agents communicating with a Policy Server.

A SiteMinder installation can be configured to use dynamic Agent keys that change on a periodic basis. Dynamic key rollover lets you update dynamic keys at regular intervals to ensure the security of encrypted cookies. You specify when key rollovers occur in the Set Rollover Frequency dialog box of the Administrative UI. Key updates across a SiteMinder installation can take up to three minutes.

You must coordinate the updating of keys together with session timeouts or you may invalidate cookies that contain session information. This coordination is critical because the person designing policies in your organization may be different than the person configuring dynamic key rollover.

Session timeouts must be less than or equal to two times the interval configured between Agent key rollovers. If an administrator configures an agent key rollover to occur two times before a session expires, cookies written by the Web Agent before the first key rollover will no longer be valid. If a session timeout is greater than the specified rollover interval, a user may be re-challenged for their identification before their session terminates.

For example, if you configure key rollover to occur every three hours, you might want to set the Maximum Session timeout for 6 hours to ensure that multiple key rollovers do not invalidate the session cookie.

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