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Authentication Schemes Requiring Additional Attribute Information

To configure Password Services to work with Authentication Schemes requiring additional attributes you must add the following to Password Services' HTML forms .template files and the sample .jsp forms files before users submit any data to the Policy Server:

document.PWChange.OLDPASSWORD.value="PASSWORD="+escape( document.PWChange.OLDPASSWORD.value) +"&<attribute>="+escape(document.PWChange.<attribute>.value)

Password Services' .template files and the sample .jsp files are installed in the following locations:

As an example, the following shows how to modify the sample PWChange.jsp file (the text highlighted in bold are the new lines to add):

<title>SiteMinder Password Services</title>
function CheckForm(form)
else {
return true

In another example, the following shows how to modify the sample PWChange.template file (the text highlighted in bold are the new lines to add):

<!-- SiteMinder Encoding=UTF-8; -->
<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
// Function for Validating Forms
function CheckForm(form)
else {
return true

The Password Services Servlet provides Unicode support for multiple languages. The default encoding is UTF-8, which enables users to enter a password in any UTF-8 supported language.

The Password Services Servlet uses the HTTP protocol standard ACCEPT-LANGUAGE request header set by the browser to determine user language preferences. If the servlet can obtain the value of ACCEPT-LANGUAGE (which represents a standard language encoding, such as EN-US, or FR), it looks for appropriately localized JSP forms in a correspondingly named directory:

Where web_agent_installation_dir is the root installation directory and <encoding> is a standard language encoding.

As installed, Password Services provides a set of sample American English JSP files in the jpw directory. Password Services uses the contents of this folder whenever it cannot find a JSP directory corresponding to the ACCEPT-LANGUAGE value or it cannot obtain an ACCEPT-LANGUAGE value.

To localize servlet-based Password Services for another language, you must therefore create a new, appropriately named directory each containing a complete set of translated JSP forms.

Example localized JSP forms directory names:


Folder Location

English (American)


English (British)








If you want to localize for a different default language, you should rename the installed default directory to EN and create a new default directory containing a complete set of JSP forms translated into the new default language.

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