The Administrative UI allows you to exclude a user or group of users from a policy. This feature is very useful if you have a large user group that should be included in a policy, but you want to exclude a small subset of the group from the policy.
To exclude a user or group from a policy
The User Directories pane opens.
The User Directories pane re-opens showing the user or group you chose, along with an Exclude button.
A check mark appears to the right of the user or group in the Current Members list to indicate that the user or group is excluded from the policy. An Include button replaces the Exclude button.
When you exclude a group from a policy, the exclusion indicates that anyone included in the policy who is a member of the excluded group (or the specifically excluded user), is not included in the policy. For example, if a policy contained the group Employees, and the excluded group Marketing, anyone who is a member of the Employees group, and not part of the Marketing group is included in the policy.
Your changes are submitted. The user or group will be excluded from the policy.
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