You configure a rule for authentication event actions to control actions that occur when users authenticate to gain access to a resource.
The realm in which the rule is to be created must be able to process authentication events. Ensure that Process Authentication Events is selected in the Advanced group box of the Realm pane.
To create a rule
The Create Rule: Select Domain pane opens.
The Create Rule: Select Realm pane opens.
The Create Rule: Define Rule pane opens.
Note: If a realm does not exist for the resources that you want to protect, a rule cannot be created to protect those resources.
Note: Click Help for descriptions of settings and controls, including their respective requirements and limits.
The Action List populates with authentication events.
Note: The Resource field is disabled because an authentication event applies to the entire realm. The Allow Access and Deny Access options are also disabled as they do not apply to authentication events.
The rule is saved and applied to the specified realm and resource.
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