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HTTP Header and Cookie-Variables

The HTTP-Header-Variable and HTTP-Cookie-Variable attributes enable a Web Agent to pass a static or dynamic list of name/value pairs to a Web application. The name/value pairs are specific to the user requesting a resource, which enables the application to customize what the user sees.

For example, an administrator configures the WebAgent-HTTP-Header-Variable response attribute to store the full name of the user. When the user is authorized to access the protected resource, the Web Agent passes the user's full name to the Web application. The user's name is then displayed by the application, which helps to establish a relationship with the customer.

Be aware that in a Web application environment, the HTTP-Header-Variable response attribute appears as an HTTP_attribute_name variable, where attribute_name is the name of the HTTP variable, for example USERFULLNAME. You do not have to have an underscore in the name as the underscores cause problems with some application servers.

Note: The server may convert any dash (-) in the attribute name to an underscore (_), and all alphabetic characters to uppercase.

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