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Pass on Localized Settings to Unprotected Resources

For an unprotected resource like self-registration, the SM_LOCALE value is set as a hidden variable upon submitting a DMS form. For example:



To ensure localized settings are passed correctly:

  1. Remove the SM_LOCALE variable from the resource target in both the loginandregister-dms-i.fcc and loginandregisterwithforgottenpassword-dms-i.fcc files.

    These files are located in web_agent_home/Samples/dmsforms.

  2. Verify that the locale value is captured through the header variable (SM_LOCALE) for protected resources and as a query parameter (SMLOCALE) for unprotected resources.

    Note: For more information, see the Policy Server documentation.

  3. For an unprotected resource, verify that the locale value is passed from one form to another.

Note: If you are using Registration Services (DMS2) together with Password Services, note that Password Services no longer uses SM_LOCALE to determine localized settings. Instead, it uses the ACCEPT_LANGUAGE variable from the user's browser. Although DMS2 still uses SM_LOCALE when it passes the value of SM_LOCALE to Password Services, this value is disregarded in favor of the ACCEPT_LANGUAGE variable.

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