You can make the Web Agent use a fully-qualified URL for redirects to the Password Services application by setting the following parameter:
Instructs the Web Agent to generate a URL with a fully qualified domain name for redirecting users to the Password Services application. This lets you host the Password Services application on a particular web server. The Web Agent generates a URL that resembles the following example:
If a fully-qualified URL is not used, the Web Agent assumes that the Password Services application is hosted on the same web server and uses a relative URL for redirects.
Default: No
For example, if you have all of your password services on a specific web server, you can set this parameter to yes. If this parameter is set to no, any customized content used with password services would have to be copied to every web server.
To use a fully-qualified URL for Password Services redirects, set the value of the ConstructFullPwsvcUrl parameter to yes.
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