The NTLM credential collector (NTC) is an application within the Web Agent. It collects NT credentials for resources that are protected by the Windows authentication scheme. This scheme applies to resources on an IIS web server accessed by Internet Explorer browsers.
Each credential collector has an associated MIME type. For IIS, the NTC MIME TYPE is defined in the following parameter:
Specifies the MIME type associated with the NTLM credential collector. This collector gathers NT credentials for resources that are protected by the Windows authentication scheme. This scheme applies to resources on IIS web servers that are accessed by the Internet Explorer browser.
You can have multiple extensions in this parameter. If you are using an Agent Configuration Object, select the multi-value option. If you are using a local configuration file, separate each extension with a comma.
Default: .ntc
If your environment already uses the default extension specified by the previous parameter, you can specify a different MIME type.
To change the extension that triggers the credential collector, add a different file extension to the NTCExt parameter.
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