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Set Up and Enable Error Logging

The error log is not available until you enable logging and specify a location for the log file. The parameters that enable error logging and determine options such as appending log data are defined in a local configuration file or an Agent Configuration Object at the Policy Server.

Web Agents installed on an IIS 6.0 or Apache 2.0 web server do not support dynamic configuration of log parameters set locally in a local configuration file. Consequently, when you modify a parameter, the change does not take effect until the Agent is restarted. However, these log settings can be stored and updated dynamically if you configure them in an Agent Configuration Object at the Policy Server.

Note: IIS 6.0 Web Agents create log files only after the first user request is submitted. Apache 2.0 Web Agents create log files when the Apache server starts.

To set up and enable error logging

  1. If you do not have a log file already, create a new log file and any related directories.
  2. Set the value of the LogFile parameter to yes.

    Note: Setting the value of this parameter to yes in a local configuration file of a web server overrides any of the logging settings defined on the Policy Server. For example, when the value of this parameter is set to yes in a LocalConfig.conf file, then log files are generated even if the value of the AllowLocalConfig parameter in the corresponding Agent Configuration object on the Policy Server is set to no. Set the related logging parameters (that define the file name, size, and others) in the LocalConfig.conf file too to override any Policy Server log settings.

  3. Specify the full path to the error file, including the file name, in the LogFileName parameter. For example:


  4. (Optional) Set the following parameters (in the Agent Configuration Object on the Policy Server or in the local configuration file):

    Error logging is enabled.

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