Previous Topic: Configure MIME Types for Each Credential Collector

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Set Up Credential Collectors for IIS and Domino Web Servers

For IIS and Domino web servers, you have to set-up the various MIME types, represented as file extension parameters, in the Web Agent configuration file.

Map the specific MIME types for use with each credential collector. We recommend using the default values in the following table:

Agent Configuration Parameter

Credential Collector



Cookie Provider



Forms Credential Collector



SSL Credential Collector



SSL Forms Credential Collector



NTLM Credential Collector


Note: Be sure to uncomment the parameter in the file.

If you do not want to use the default extensions or the defaults are already in use for other purposes, enter your own extensions and the Web Agent will honor them. For example, if you set FCCExt to .myext for the FCC, and rename the FCC template to use this extension, for example, login.myext, the Web Agent will recognize URLs ending in .myext as forms authentication requests.

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