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Trace Logging Templates for Federation Web Services

The following templates are available for Federation Web Services:


Tracing Messages Collected


Default template. Collects data that you specify.


Collects single sign-on messages


Collects single logout messages


Collects Identity Provider Discovery Profile messages

All these templates include the Fed_Client component and subcomponents related to the specific data being tracked. Look at each template to see the exact contents. The templates are located in web_agent_home/config.

To use a template for trace logging:

  1. Make a copy of the template you want to use and give it a new name.

    Note: Do not edit the template directly.

  2. Open the Agent configuration file or Agent configuration Object.
  3. Set the TraceFile parameter to Yes.
  4. Set the TraceFileName parameter to the full path to the trace log file. This is the file that contains the log output.
  5. Set the TraceConfigFile parameter to the full path to the newly named template file.
  6. Format the trace log file. The following parameters are the Web Agent configuration parameters that dictate the format of the trace log file:

    For descriptions of each logging parameter, see the SiteMinder Web Agent Configuration Guide.

Note: Web Agents installed on IIS 6.0 and Apache 2.0 Web servers do not support dynamic configuration of log parameters set locally in the Agent configuration file. Consequently, when you modify a parameter, the change does not take effect until the Agent is restarted. However, these log settings can be stored and can be updated dynamically if you configure them in an Agent configuration object on the Policy Server.

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