Example: Exporting an Identity Provider
smfedexport -type saml2idp -entityid http://www.myidp.com/idp1 -expiredays 30 -sign -pubkey -slohttpredir http://www.mysite.com /affwebservices/public/saml2slo -reqsignauthr -ssoart http://www.mysite.com/affwebservices/public/saml2sso -artressvc http://www.mysite.com/affwebservices/ saml2artifactresolution -output myidpdescription.xml
Example: Exporting an Service Provider
smfedexport -type saml2sp -entityid http://www.myidp.com/sp1 -expiredays 30 -sign -pubkey -slohttpredir http://www.mysite.com/affwebservices/public/saml2slo -signauthr -aconsvcpost http://www.mysite.com/affwebservices/public/ saml2assertionconsumer -aconsvcpostindex 12345 -output myidpdescription.xml
Example: Modifying and Signing an Exported Data File
This example assumes that you have already exported metadata to an XML file using the smfedexport tool, but now you want to modify the file and digitally sign it.
To modify and sign a metadata file
smfedexport -sign -infile file -output file
For example:
smfedexport -sign -infile myspdescription.xml -output newspdescription.xml
To modify an exported file that is already digitally signed
smfedexport -sign -infile file -output file
For example:
smfedexport -sign -infile myspdescription.xml -output newspdescription.xml
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