At the producing authority, the smkeydatabase is used for the following features:
To use SAML 1.x POST profile, the SAML 2.0 POST binding or WS-Federation Passive Requester Profile for passing assertions, the assertion generator at the producing authority needs to sign the SAML the assertion. The recipient consuming authority needs to verify that signature.
If you enable encryption, the producer/Identity Provider must provide the public key certificate of the Service Provider for encrypting the data, while the consumer/Service Provider uses a private key to decrypt the data.
For single logout, the side initiating the logout request signs the request and the side receiving the request validates the signature. Conversely, the receiving side must sign the response and the initiator must validate the response.
The Identity Provider can require that the Service Provider sign AuthnRequest messages. To sign these messages, you have to have a private key and certificate. The Identity Provider then needs to validate the request with the public key that corresponds to the private key.
To accomplish signing, verification, and encryption, you must set up an smkeydatabase for each Policy Server that is responsible for signing, verification, and encryption.
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