If you write an assertion generator plug-in, you have to integrate the plug-in to work with SiteMinder.
To compile the assertion plug-in Java file, see the instructions in the SAML2AssertionSample.java file in the directory:
To integrate the assertion generator plug-in with SiteMinder
This file requires the following .jar files installed with the Policy Server:
Note: Do not modify the classpath for xercesImpl.jar, xalan.jar, or SMJavaApi.jar.
Specify a Java class name for an existing plug-in
Specify a string of parameters to be passed to the plug-in specified in the Full Java Class Name field.
Note: Instead of specifying the assertion plug-in class and its parameters via the FSS Administrative UI, you can use the Policy Management API (C or Perl) to integrate the plug-in. For instructions, see the SiteMinder Programming Guide for C or the SiteMinder Programming Guide for Java.
Restarting the Policy Server ensures that the latest version of the assertion plug-in is picked up after being recompiled.
To enable the Assertion Generator to include attributes from a web application in an assertion
This file requires the following .jar files installed with the Policy Server:
Note: Do not modify the classpath for xercesImpl.jar, xalan.jar, or SMJavaApi.jar.
There is an APIContext class in the SMJavaAPI that has a new method, getAttrMap(), which returns a map object containing the attributes from the web application to be included in the assertion. In the SiteMinder SDK, there are two sample Assertion Generator plug-ins that show how to use this map object:
These samples are located in the directory sdk/samples/assertiongeneratorplugin. They enable the Assertion Generator to add attributes from a web application to the Assertion Generator for inclusion in an assertion.
Specify the Java class name for the plugin, For example, the sample classes included with the SiteMinder SDK are:
(SAML 2.0)
Specify a string of parameters to be passed to the plug-in specified in the Full Java Class Name field. These parameters would be the attributes you want to include in the assertion.
Note: Instead of specifying the assertion plug-in class and its parameters via the FSS Administrative UI, you can use the Policy Management API (C or Perl) to integrate the plug-in. For instructions, see the SiteMinder SiteMinder Programming Guide for C or the SiteMinder Programming Guide for Java.
Restarting the Policy Server ensures that the latest version of the assertion plug-in is picked up after being recompiled.
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