After configuring a message consumer plug-in, you have to integrate the plug-in with the SAML 2.0 authentication scheme.
The instructions for compiling the message consumer plug-in Java file are in the file, in sdk/samples/authextensionsaml20.
To integrate the Message Consumer plug-in with the authentication scheme
The Java file requires the following .jar file installed with the Policy Server:
Note: Do not modify the classpath for SMJavaApi.jar.
Restarting ensures that the latest version of the message consumer plug-in is picked up after being recompiled.
Note: Instead of specifying the message consumer plug-in class and its parameters via the Policy Server User Interface you can use the Policy Management API (C or Perl). For instructions, see the SiteMinder Programming Guide for C or the SiteMinder Programming Guide for Java.
Additional information about the Message Consumer plug-in can be found as follows:
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