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Configure Single Sign-on for SAML 2.0

The Service Provider and the Identity Provider exchange user information, session information and Identity Provider information in an assertion document. When you configure single sign-on at SAML 2.0 Identity Provider, you determine how the Identity Provider delivers an assertion to a Service Provider.

To configure single sign-on at the Identity Provider

  1. Log on to the FSS Administrative UI.
  2. Select a Service Provider entry.
  3. Right-click the entry to access the SAML Service Provider Properties dialog for the selected Service Provider.
  4. Select the SSO tab.
  5. Complete the fields on the SSO tab.

    Refer to the SAML 2.0 Service Provider reference for field descriptions.

  6. Click OK to save your changes.

You have now defined the single sign-on settings to at the Identity Provider that will be used to communicate with the Service Provider.

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