This procedure accomplishes two tasks:
Note: If you have a clustered Policy Server environment, perform this procedure one time on one system then copy the entire smkeydatabase directory to the other machines in the cluster.
To migrate the AM.keystore and update existing smkeydatabase certificates
Important! If you are only updating certificates in an existing smkeydatabase, skip to Step 4.
The location of the AM.keystore is:
Copy the file to:
If the smkeydatabase does not exist, create a database using the smkeytool -createDatabase command.
migratekeystore.bat java_keystore_location java_keystore_password
UNIX: java_keystore_location java_keystore_password
location of the am.keystore file
password to access the contents of the am.keystore file. Passwords are shown in clear text.
As the tool processes the command, you are prompted to answer a series of questions about the data you want to copy. After answering the questions, the data is copied and the smkeydatabase is updated.
Note: Any migrated data will be encrypted using FIPS-compliant algorithms.
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