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Configure ServletExec to Work with Federation Web Services

For the Federation Web Services application to work with ServletExec, you need to specify Federation Web Services as a Web application for ServletExec and add several JVM options for both the producing authority and the consuming authority.

Note: You should have received a ServletExec license key file called licensekey50.txt from CA Support. From this license file, copy the license key and enter it in the ServletExec License dialog of the ServletExec Administration Console. For instructions on licensing ServletExec, see ServletExec documentation, available at the New Atlanta Communication web site.

Remember, ServletExec and the Web Agent Option Pack must be installed on the same web server where you installed the Web Agent.

Important! Be sure to apply the most current hot fixes for ServletExec. Without the hot fixes, Federation Web Services will not work with ServletExec. To obtain the hot fixes, go to the New Atlanta Communication web site.

To set up ServletExec to work with FWS

  1. Open the ServletExec Administration Console.
  2. Under Web Applications, select manage.

    The Manage Web Applications dialog opens.

  3. Click Add a Web Applications.
  4. Enter the following information:
    1. Application Name: affwebservices
    2. URL Context Path: /affwebservices/
    3. Location: affwebservices_home


      C:\program files\ca\webagent\affwebservices

  5. Click Submit.
  6. (Optional) For better performance, add the following Virtual Machine options:
    1. Under Virtual Machine, select options.

      The Java Virtual Machine (VM) Options dialog opens.

    2. Add the following Java VM Options. If there is not sufficient space to add all four options together, add then submit each option separately.
    3. Click Submit after you have added all four entries.
  7. Exit the ServletExec Console.

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