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Trace Logging

The Web Agent trace logging facility and the Policy Server Profiler enable SiteMinder to monitor the performance of the Web Agent and Policy Server. These logging mechanisms provide comprehensive information about the operation of SiteMinder processes so you can analyze performance and troubleshoot issues.

For Federation Security Services, several logging components are available to collect trace messages related to federated communication. Trace messages provide detailed information about program operation for tracing and/or debugging purposes. Trace messages are ordinarily turned off during normal operation, but you can enable them to extract more in-depth information in addition to the trace message itself; for example, the name of the current user or realm. The collected trace messages are written to a trace log.

Note: For Web Agents on IIS 6.0 servers, log files are created only after the first user request has been submitted. To check your configuration in the log file, a user has to submit a request.

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