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Configure the Backchannel for HTTP-Artifact SSO

If you select the HTTP-Artifact binding for single sign-on, configure the authentication scheme for the back channel that communicates with the Artifact Resolution Service. This service retrieves the assertion from the Identity Provider.

To configure the backchannel

  1. If necessary, log on to the FSS Administrative UI.
  2. Select the Backchannel tab.
  3. Complete all the fields on the dialog.

    Important! If you are using basic authentication for the backchannel authentication scheme, the value of the SP Name field is the name of the Service Provider. If you are using client certificate authentication for the backchannel, the value of the SP Name field should be the alias of the client certificate stored in the smkeydatabase.

  4. Click OK to save your configuration.

More Information:

WebLogic Configuration Required for Back Channel Authentication

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