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Exported Enumerations

SmApi.h includes the following enumerations used by the Directory API:

Directory Capabilities

Sm_DirApi_Capability_t enumerates the capabilities that can be configured for a custom directory.

The following table lists the directory capabilities enumerated in Sm_DirApi_Capability_t. Descriptions of each capability follow the table.













For a custom directory to have a specific capability, you must define the required user attributes for that capability. For example, to enable SiteMinder to change a user's password, you need to identify a Password Attribute. SiteMinder then uses that attribute to get and set the user password.

To send information about the directory capabilities to the SiteMinder Policy Server, implement the function SmDirQueryVersion(). Use the capabilities parameter (pnCapabilites) to pass one or more values enumerated in Sm_DirApi_Capability_t. SiteMinder then checks for those capabilities.

For example, if a user attempts to change a password, the SiteMinder Policy Server calls SmDirQueryVersion() to check for the capability Sm_DirApi_Capability_ChangeUserPassword. If the custom directory does not have that capability, the user receives an error message.

An example of setting the directory capabilities is shown in the sample code. First, initialize *pnCapabilities to zero, then set *pnCapabilities as follows:

*pnCapabilities = 
   *pnCapabilities | Sm_DirApi_Capability_<supported_capability>;

For example:

*pnCapabilities =
   *pnCapabilities | Sm_DirApi_Capability_ChangeUserPassword;
*pnCapabilities =
   *pnCapabilities | Sm_DirApi_Capability_DisableUser;

Ensure that no other application changes data in fields intended for use by SiteMinder. For example, no other application should change data in the field that holds the disabled state of a SiteMinder user.

Policy Resolutions

Sm_PolicyResolution_t, defined in SmApi.h, enumerates the values that describe the relationship between two policy objects. The following Directory API functions use Sm_PolicyResolution_t:

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