Suppose you are an administrator for the domain engineering. You want to create the realm documentation in that domain. Using the Administrative UI, you might take the following steps:
You are accepting all other defaults for the realm (including resource protection, which is enabled by default).
If you write a script to perform the same operation, it might look like this:
#Initialize the Policy Management API use Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI; $policyapi = Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI‑>New(); print "Step 1. Log in the admin and create an API session.\n"; $session = $policyapi‑>CreateSession("adminid", "adminpwd"); print "Step 2. Select the domain for the new realm.\n"; $domain=$session‑>GetDomain("engineering"); #Get the realm's agent and authorization scheme info.\n"; $agent=$session‑>GetAgent("agent1"); $authscheme=$session‑>GetAuthScheme("Basic"); print "Step 3. Create and configure the realm.\n"; $realm=$domain‑>CreateRealm("documentation", $agent, $authscheme, "Source files for manuals", "/mysite/docs/*" ); print "Step 4. Confirm the creation of the realm.\n"; if ($realm == undef) { print "Realm creation failed.\n"; } else { print "Realm creation succeeded.\n"; }
Note: Generally, policy store object names are case-sensitive. In the above example, the Basic authentication scheme and the engineering domain are case-sensitive. Further, agent names are always written to the policy store in lowercase. Existing agents must be referenced in lowercase in your scripts.
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