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Failed to initialize TCP server socket: Socket error:%1i


see the operating system documentation for the specifics of the socket error. (The most common errors are attempting to open a socket already in use on the system or not having sufficient privilege for the socket.)

Failed to initialize UDP
server socket on port:
%1ul. Socket error:%2i


see the operating system documentation for the specifics of the socket error. (The most common errors are attempting to open a socket already in use on the system or not having sufficient privilege for the socket.)

Failed to initialize WinSock library


(Windows systems.) The Windows Sockets library could not be initialized. Verify the library is installed and that its version is supported.

Failed to listen on TCP
server socket. Socket error


see the operating system documentation for the specifics of the socket error. (The most common errors are attempting to open a socket already in use on the system or not having sufficient privilege for the socket.)

Failed to load event handler


An Event Handler library could not be loaded. Verify the pathnames and access permissions of the configured Event Handlers.

Failed to load library '%1s'.
Error: %2s


The reported Authentication Scheme library could not be loaded. If the accompanying error text does not explain the problem, verify that the named library exists and that the file system protections allow access.

Failed to locate required
entry point(s) in event
provider '%1s'


The named library is not a valid Event/Audit Log provider.

Failed to write audit log
record. Record dropped.


The Policy Server could not write to the audit log. Verify the status of the audit log store.

Failed to obtain host name. Socket error %1i


The Audit Logger provider could not retrieve the local system's network hostname, probably due to a network error. The accompanying error code (an errno for UNIX systems, a SOCKET_ERROR for Windows systems) may provide more detail.

Failed to obtain host name. Socket error %1i


The local system's network hostname could not be retrieved, probably due to a network error. The accompanying error code (an errno for UNIX systems, a SOCKET_ERROR for Windows systems) may provide more detail.

Failed to open Audit log
file for append '%1s'


The Audit Logger provider could not open the named file for appending entries. Verify that the pathname provided is valid and that file access permissions are correct.

Failed to open RADIUS log
file (no file defined)


The registry does not have an entry for the RADIUS log file's name, or the name was an empty string,

Failed to open RADIUS log file: %1s


A RADIUS log file with the given name could not be opened for overwriting (if it already exists) or be created (if it does not exist). Check access permissions to the directory and to the file (if it exists).

Failed to query authentication scheme '%1s'


The Policy Server's query of the given Authentication Scheme failed, so the Authentication Scheme could not be initialized.

Failed to read on UDP socket. Socket error %1i


The Policy Server detected an unexpected network error while trying to read a UDP packet carrying either an Admin service connection request or a RADIUS message. The accompanying error code (an errno for UNIX systems, a SOCKET_ERROR for Windows systems) may provide more detail.

Failed to receive request on session # %1i : %2s/%3s:%4i. Socket error %5s


The Policy Server detected an unexpected network error while trying to read the agent request in the given session, so it closed the connection. The accompanying error code (an errno for UNIX systems, a SOCKET_ERROR for Windows systems) may provide more detail.

Failed to resolve agent key


The reported Agent Key could not be found in the Policy Store when Agent Keys were being updated.

Failed to resolve agent keys


No Agent keys could be accessed in the Policy Store for Agent Key Update.

Failed to resolve agent keys


No Agent keys could be accessed in the Policy Store for Agent Key Update.

Failed to resolve agent keys '%1s'


The reported Agent Key could not be found in the Policy Store when Agent Keys were being updated.

Failed to resolve Agent or AgentGroup %1s


The given Agent or Agent Group does not exist or its Policy Store record has become corrupted.

Failed to resolve all domains


The Domain root object record in the Policy Store is missing or has become corrupted.

Failed to resolve all vendors.
No vendor dictionary will be created.


The Vendors root object record in the Policy Store is missing or has become corrupted.

Failed to resolve auth-az
mapping %1s


The given Auth-Az Map does not exist or its Policy Store record has become corrupted.

Failed to resolve function
'%1s' in '%2s' . Error: %3s


The reported entry point in the given Authentication Scheme library could not be resolved (see the accompanying error text), so the library was not loaded.

Failed to resolve function
'%1s' in '%2s'. Error: %3s


The reported entry point in the given TransactEMS library could not be resolved (see the accompanying error text), so the library was not loaded.

Failed to resolve function
'%1s' in '%2s'. Error: %3s


The reported entry point in the given library which reports system configuration information could not be resolved (see the accompanying error text), so the library was not loaded.

management object


The Policy Server detected an error when it attempted to read the Key Management Object from the Policy Store.

Failed to resolve key management object


The Agent Key Management Object could not be read from the Policy Store.

Failed to resolve key management object '%1s'


The Agent Key Management Thread detected an error when it attempted to read the given Agent Key Management Object from the Policy Store.

Failed to resolve list of
auth-az mappings


The Auth-Az Map root object record in the Policy Store is missing or has become corrupted.

Failed to resolve log file


The Audit Logger provider could not retrieve the name for the log file from the registry. Verify that a file name has been configured.

Failed to resolve shared
secret policy object


The Shared Secret Rollover Policy object record in the Policy Store is missing or has become corrupted.

Failed to resolve user
directory %1s


The given User Directory object does not exist or its Policy Store record has become corrupted.

Failed to resolve user
identity. Denying access.


Because there was a failure while searching the policies of the applicable realms, the user's identity could not be resolved and access was denied.

Failed to resolve Version 6 function '%1s' in '%2s' .
Error: %3s


The reported entry point in the given Version 6 Authentication Scheme library could not be found (see the accompanying error text), so the library will not be used. Verify that the Auth Scheme is not an older version.

Failed to retrieve audit log
flush interval. Setting to


The Audit Logger ODBC provider could not retrieve the flush interval from the registry. Verify that an interval has been configured.

Failed to retrieve audit log provider library for
namespace '%1s'


The registry does not have a library name entry for the given Audit Log Provider namespace.

Failed to retrieve audit log
row flush count. Setting to


The registry does not have an entry for the ODBC Audit Log Provider's row flush count for asynchronous logging, so the default of 1000 will be used.

Failed to retrieve message
from the message queue


(Windows) An error occurred when the Policy Server process attempted to retrieve a message on its Windows Application Queue.

Failed to rollover trusted
host shared secrets


An error occurred while attempting to roll over trusted host shared secrets. Verify that the rollover policy is valid.

Failed to save key
management object


The Agent Key Management Object could not be read from the Policy Store when a new Persistent Key was to be saved.

Failed to save key
management object after
key update


The Policy Server generated new Agent Keys for roll over but could not record that they are available for use.

Failed to save key
management object after persistent key update


The new Persistent Key could not be saved in the Agent Key Management Object in the Policy Store.

Failed to save key
management object after
session key update


The new Agent Session Key could not be saved in the Policy Store.

Failed to save new
'current' agent key '%1s'


The given Agent Session Key could not be saved as the Agent's "current" key.

Failed to save new key management object


The Agent Key management thread generated new Agent Keys for roll over but could not record that they are available for use.

Failed to save new 'last'
agent key '%1s'


The given Agent Session Key could not be saved in the Policy Store as the Agent's "last" key.

Failed to save new 'next'
agent key '%1s'


The given Agent Session Key could not be saved in the Policy Store as the Agent's "next" key.

Failed to save new
persistent agent key '%1s'


The given Persistent Agent Key could not be saved in the Policy Store.

Failed to send response on session # %1i : %2s/%3s:%4i. Socket error %5i


The response to an agent request in the given session could not be sent due to a network error (or possibly the Agent failing). The accompanying error code (an errno for UNIX systems, a SOCKET_ERROR for Windows systems) may provide more detail.

Failed to start agent
command management watchdog thread


The "watchdog" thread which ensures that the Agent Command Management Thread is running failed to start. Check the operating system's configured per-process limits for maximum number of threads and for maximum open file descriptors.

Failed to start journal management thread


The "watchdog" thread could not [re-]start the Policy Store Journal Cleanup Management Thread. Check the operating system's configured per-process limits for maximum number of threads and for maximum open file descriptors.

Failed to start journal management watchdog


The "watchdog" thread which ensures that the Policy Store Journal Management Cleanup Thread is running failed to start. Check the operating system's configured per-process limits for maximum number of threads and for maximum open file descriptors.

Failed to start key
management thread


The "watchdog" thread could not [re-]start the Agent Key Management Thread. Check the operating system's configured per-process limits for maximum number of threads and for maximum open file descriptors."

Failed to start key
management watchdog thread


The "watchdog" thread which ensures that the Agent Key Management Thread is running failed to start. Check the operating system's configured per-process limits for maximum number of threads and for maximum open file descriptors.

Failed to start main reactor thread


The Network IO Dispatcher Thread failed to start. Check the operating system's configured per-process limits for maximum number of threads and for maximum open file descriptors.

Failed to start object store
journal thread


The "watchdog" thread could not [re-]start the Policy Store Journal Management Thread. Check the operating system's configured per-process limits for maximum number of threads and for maximum open file descriptors.

Failed to start object store watchdog thread


The "watchdog" thread which ensures that the Policy Store Journal Management Thread is running failed to start. Check the operating system's configured per-process limits for maximum number of threads and for maximum open file descriptors.

Failed to stat management command channel


(Unix/Linux) The stat() of an already-existing Server Command Management pipe/file unexpectedly failed. If also the Server Command Management Thread fails to start, verify that another Policy Server process is not running and delete the pipe/file manually.

Failed to update agent keys


The Administrator command that Agents update their keys could not be saved in the Policy Store.

Failed to update agent keys
from server command


An Agent's new "current" or "next" Session Key could not be saved in the Policy Store.

Failed to update changes
agent keys


The command that Agents update their keys could not be saved in the Policy Store.

Failed to update persistent key


An Agent's Persistent Key could not be saved in the Policy Store.

Failed to write on UDP socket. Socket error %1i


An Admin GUI initialization packet or a RADIUS response packet could not be sent due to a network error (or possibly the Agent failing). The accompanying error code (an errno for UNIX systems, a SOCKET_ERROR for Windows systems) may provide more detail.

file not found


(Windows systems.) The service to start the One View Monitor could not read the bin\smmon.bat file.

Getting processor affinity


(Windows) The performance tuning parameter for processor affinity could not be processed, so the existing affinity setting will be unchanged.

Handshake error: Unknown
client name '%1s' in hello message


A client provided the reported name when attempting to connect, but an Agent with that name could not be found in the Policy Store. Also caused by the agent using the wrong shared secret.

Inconsistent agent key
marker (%1i)


An Agent Key record in the Policy Store has the given unrecognized key type.

Inconsistent number of
agent keys (%1i)


The Policy Store contains the given incorrect number of keys for an Agent.

Internal error computing
realm list. Denying access.


An unexpected Policy Store failure occured while attempting to fetch the realm list to perform access authorization, so access is denied.

Invalid agent key marker


An Agent Key record in the Policy Store has the given unrecognized key type.

IP address resource filter not
yet suppported by IsOk


Action rules matching in realms does not support matching IP addresses or ranges.

IsInDictionary - Could not
add Password Dictionary to
holder %1s


The named password dictionary could not be cached, probably because no more than 100 dictionaries may be cached. Passwords to be matched against entries in the dictionary are assumed to match.

IsInDictionary - Could not
create Password Dictionary


An unexpected error (probably an out-of-memory condition) occurred while preparing to cache the named password dictionary. Passwords to be matched against entries in the dictionary are assumed to match.

IsInDictionary - Could not set
the Password Dictionary %1s


An error occurred while caching the named password dictionary. Passwords to be matched against entries in the dictionary are assumed to match.

IsInDictionary - Password Dictionary not open %1s


The given password dictionary has been loaded but unexpectedly is not open. Passwords to be matched against entries in the dictionary are assumed to not match.

IsInProfileAttributes - Error fetching property names


While comparing a password to user profile attribute values, the user attribute names could not be retrieved, so the password is assumed to match.

IsInProfileAttributes - Error fetching property values


While comparing a password to user profile attribute values, an attribute value could not be retrieved, so the password is assumed to match.

Monitor request for unrecorded data, Null values returned


The Policy Server did not recognize the name passed it in a request for monitored data.

No agent encryption keys


When an Agent's set of keys was fetched from the Policy Store, a complete set was not found.

No agent keys in key store


While attempting to update the Agent Keys in the Policy Store, none were found.

No initial agent keys


The Policy Store holds no Agent Keys and Key Generation has not been enabled.

No initial key management
object found. This policy
server is configured in
read-only key management mode. Unable to proceed


The Policy Store does not hold an initial Agent Key Management object and Key Generation has not been enabled.

No namespace available for
the audit log provider


The registry does not have an entry for the Audit Log Provider namespace.

No Root Config object found, Please run smobjimport to
import smpolicy.smdif!


The Policy Store has not been successfully initialized.

No session pointer while processing request %1s


The given Agent request was received but the corresponding Agent Session object was not found or valid, so the request packet was returned without processing.

Please check file permissions
or path for validity


A file could not be opened. An error message giving the file's path name should precede this message.Verify that the pathname provided is valid and that file access permissions are correct.

Policy Server caught
exception in ProcessMessage.
(no message text)


The Policy Server had an unexpected exception while processing an Agent request, so an empty response was returned.

Policy Server caught
exception in ProcessMessage.
Text: %1s


The Policy Server had an unexpected exception while processing an Agent request, so an empty response was returned. The accompanying text may recommend corrective action.

Policy store failed operation
'%1s' for object type '%2s' .


The Policy Store object layer caught the described exception.

Processor affinity left at default setting, cannot set affinity to


(Windows) Zero is an invalid value for the performance tuning parameter for processor affinity, so the existing affinity setting will be unchanged.

Reject %1s : Failed to write access log


Audit logging failed for the given rejected Authentication or Authorization request.

Saw agent name in DoManagement() command
%1s, request %2s


The "Do Management" Agent command was rejected.

Saw agent name in Logout() command %1s , request %2s


The Logout request was rejected.

Setting processor affinity


(Windows) The performance tuning parameter for processor affinity could not be processed, so the existing affinity setting will be unchanged.

SM exception caught during initialization (%1s)


During the Policy Server startup "GlobalInit" phase, an exception was caught and startup failed. The accompanying text may provide more detail.

SM exception caught during server shutdown (%1s)


During the Policy Server shutdown "GlobalRelease" phase, an exception was caught. The accompanying text may provide more detail.

TCP port initialization failure


During Policy Server startup the TCP ports enabled for Access Control or Administration requests could not be initialized, so startup was terminated.

The service loader failed to
start %1s. Error %2i %3s


(Windows) The service loader could not be started (see error text), so it could not start the Policy Server or One View Monitor.

This policy server does not
have a session encryption


The Policy Server does not have an initial Session Key and Key Generation is not enabled. If Access Control Requests or Administration Requests are configured to be served, startup is terminated.

Thread Pool thread caught exception


A Policy Server Worker Thread terminated due to an unexpected condition. A replacement thread will be added to the Thread Pool.

UDP port initialization failure


During Policy Server startup the UDP ports enabled for Administration or RADIUS requests could not be initialized, so startup was terminated.

UDP processing exception.


While an Admin GUI initialization packet or a RADIUS response packet was being processed an unexpected error occurred. No response is sent.

Unable to create console
output collector. Tracing will
not be enabled


The Policy Server process could not access the console (or terminal window) as output for the Profiler (trace) log output. Verify that it has appropriate access permission to open the console.

Unable to create file output collector. Tracing will not be enabled


A Profiler (trace) log file could not be opened for overwriting (if it already exists) or be created (if it does not exist). Check access permissions to the directory and to the file (if it exists).

Unable to create shared
secret rollover policy object


During Policy Server startup no Shared Secret policy object was found in the Policy Store, then creation of an initial policy object failed so startup was terminated.

Unable to enable tracing


The initial setup of Profiler (trace) logging was successful but the remainder was not.

Unable to reset logger
options dynamically


The thread which detects that logger configuration options were changed while the Policy Server is running could not start, so such changes will not be acted upon unil the Policy Server has been restarted.

Unable to resolve agent for request %1s


The Agent request is required to include the Agent identity but it could not be verified. The request is rejected.

Unable to resolve agent
name %1s , request %2s


The Agent request is required to include the Agent identity but it could not be verified for the named Agent. The request is rejected.

Unable to update password
blob data


A user's "Password Blob" data for Password Services could not be updated in the User Store. If it is so configured, the Policy Server rejected the user's authentication attempt.

Unexpected exception while publishing AZ Libs


An unexpected exception occurred while querying information about loaded custom authorization modules for diagnostic "Publish" information, so information regarding custom authorization libraries will not be published.

Unknown agent key type %1i


While Processing a "Do Management" request, An Agent Key record in the Policy Store was found with the given unrecognized key type, and the request was rejected.

Unknown Exception caught
while publishing Auth Libs


An unexpected exception occurred while querying custom authentication scheme libraries for diagnostic "Publish" information, so information regarding loaded custom authentication schemes will not be published.

Unknown exception caught
while publishing Event Lib info


An unexpected exception occurred while querying a custom event handler library for diagnostic "Publish" information, so information regarding custom event libraries loaded by SiteMinder will not be published.

Socket Error 104

104 - A call to bind() function failed.

This message is returned due to an error occurring when the message is sent across the TLI layer.

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