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Duplicate Custom Settings

If you have created any custom settings in your current installation, duplicate them in the new one. For example, if you have configured additional virtual hosts, add these additional configuration directives to the httpd.conf file.

To duplicate custom settings

  1. Modify the httpd.conf file.
  2. Modify the ssl.conf file.

    Note: Since release r6.0 SP3, the ssl.conf file has been renamed and moved to sps_home\httpd\conf\extra\httpd-ssl.conf.

  3. Modify the server.conf file.

    Note: During the upgrade, the existing server.conf file is backed up to a file named server.conf-date.bak in the sps_home\secure-proxy\proxy-engine\conf directory.

  4. Copy the existing custom session schemes and filter class files to the new installation.
  5. Deploy any custom Java class or .jar files related to the SPS filter or session scheme APIs.