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Overview Single Sign-on Security Zones

SSO security zones provide configurable trust relationships between groups of applications within the same cookie domain. Users have single sign-on within the same zone, but can be challenged when entering a different zone, depending on the trust relationship defined between the zones. Zones included in a trusted relationship do not challenge a user that has a valid session in any zone in the group.

SiteMinder Web Agents implement single sign-on security zones. Each zone must reside on a separate Web Agent instance. All Web Agents configured through the same agent configuration object belong to the same single sign-on zone.

Cookies generated by the Web Agent identity security zones. By default, the Web Agent generates two cookies: a session cookie named SMSESSION, and an identity cookie named SMIDENTITY. When you configure security zones, the Web Agent generates session cookies and identity cookies with unique names so that the zone affiliation is reflected in the cookie names.

Note: For detailed information about SSO security zones, see the CA SiteMinder Web Agent Guide.