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SPS as a Web Agent Replacement

To provide federated single sign-on, the SPS may be used as a substitute for the SiteMinder Web Agent. The SPS, and the Web Agent Option Pack combine to provide the Federation Web Services (FWS) application, which is a collection of servlets packaged as a Web application. This application provides much of the SiteMinder federation functionality.

Knowledge of SiteMinder Federation Security Services is required for anyone configuring SPS in a federated environment. For more information on Federation Security Services, see the CA SiteMinder Federation Security Services Guide.

The following figure shows an environment where the SPS replaces a SiteMinder Web Agent.

SPS--SPS Replacing Web Agent

Important! If you choose to use the SPS in place of the Web Agent for a federated environment, the Web Agent Option Pack requires a dedicated web server and servlet engine separate from the web server and servlet engine included in the SPS.