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Run the Configuration Wizard

After you install the SPS, run the configuration wizard. The configuration wizard takes you through the process of trusted host registration for the embedded SiteMinder Web Agent and performs some administrative tasks for the embedded Apache web server.

Important! Before you run the wizard, verify that you have set up the required objects at the Policy Server where you want to register the host. If these objects are not configured, trusted host registration fails.

To run the configuration wizard

  1. Open a console window and navigate to the directory sps_home/secure-proxy.
  2. Enter one of the following commands:

    Windows: ca-sps-config.exe


    The wizard starts.

  3. Select the option to perform host registration immediately.
    This screen also includes an optional check box for enabling shared secret rollover.
  4. As part of the trusted host registration process, respond to the prompts as follows:
    1. Specify the name and password of the SiteMinder administrator. The information you enter must already be defined at the Policy Server where the trusted host is registered.
    2. Specify the name of the Trusted Host and the Host Configuration Object.

      The name you enter for the trusted host must be unique. The name for the Host Configuration Object must already be defined at the Policy Server where the trusted host is registered.

    3. Enter the IP address of the Policy Server where you want to register the trusted host.
    4. Specify the name and location of the host configuration file, SmHost.conf. The wizard lists the default location.
    5. Specify the name of the Agent Configuration Object. The Agent Configuration Object that you enter must already be defined at the Policy Server where the trusted host is registered.
  5. Enter the following information for the Apache web server:

    Note: Users installing on systems running Solaris or Linux see an additional screen that prompts for the name of the user under which Tomcat and Apache runs. This user cannot be root. Create the user account manually; the installation program does not create it for you. The Tomcat user must have all privileges (rwa) for the log directories.

  6. Select Yes if you want the SPS to act as a Federation Gateway.
  7. Review the Configuration Summary
  8. Click Install.

    The files are installed.

  9. Click Done to exit the wizard.

Note: If you run the Configuration Wizard again for any reason, SSL must be reinitialized.

More information:

SSL Configuration for FIPS COMPAT and MIGRATE Modes