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User Agent Settings in the Server.conf

User agents define the device types such as web browsers, wireless phones, and PDAs by which users can access network resources. All user agents must be defined in <UserAgent> elements. Each <UserAgent> element includes a name attribute that identifies the user agent type. By default no user agent types are predefined in the server.conf file.

The user agent configuration section has the following format:

#<UserAgent name="user_agent_name_1">
#  header_name_1=some regular expression
# </UserAgent>

The directive in the UserAgent section is:


This directive contains the user-agent header of an HTTP request. This header indicates the type of device making the request. You can use regular expressions and provide a partial name as part of the expression. This allows you to specify user agent types whose user-agent header may contain slight differences, such as version numbers.

Device types must be defined in a <UserAgent> element before they can be associated with a session scheme in a <SessionSchemeMapping> element.