Previous Topic: Configuring the SPS Server Settings

Next Topic: Modifying the server.conf File

SPS server.conf File Overview

The SPS is configured through settings contained in the server.conf file. These settings in the file are groups of name/value pairs or directives that the SPS reads at startup.

After the SPS is operating, it verifies the values in this file to determine if any changes have been made to the SPS Web Agent log level settings. If changes are detected, the affected settings are reloaded so that the SPS can be dynamically updated without interrupting network traffic.

The server.conf file is located in the following directory:


The file contents are grouped into the following sections:

Each section is an XML-like element tag. The name of the section is the beginning tag of the XML element and the section ends with a corresponding ending tag. The directives contained in each section follow the format name=value.

Any lines beginning with the # symbol are comments, and are not read when the SPS loads configuration settings.

Note: Pathnames on Windows systems use double backslashes (\\), such as \\logs\\server.log