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Mini-cookies Session Scheme

One of the disadvantages of a traditional SiteMinder cookie-based session scheme is the size of the cookies. When the amount of data transferred with each request increases, the cost of access for certain types of devices such as wireless phones increases.

A mini-cookie is a small cookie, approximately 10 bytes in size that contains a token which can be used to reference session information in SiteMinder in-memory session store. The mini-cookie is a fraction of the size of a standard SiteMinder cookie, and provides an alternative for standard SiteMinder cookies.

Mini-cookie Session Scheme Configuration

The mini-cookies session scheme stores session information in the SPS in‑memory session store and creates a cookie that contains an encrypted token that the SPS returns to the user.

This section has the following format:

<SessionScheme name="minicookie">
# The name of the small cookie to be stored in the client.

The directives in the mini-cookies session scheme are listed following.


Specifies the java class that defines the session scheme. This directive is not modified when you want to use the mini-cookies session scheme provided with the SPS.

Default: com.netegrity.proxy.session.MiniCookieSessionScheme


Indicates if SMSESSION cookies are accepted. Specify one of the following values:


Indicates that SMSESSION cookies are accepted and used by the session scheme.


Indicates that the SMSESSION cookies are not supported by the session scheme. Use this setting to verify that only a mini-cookie session is used for the session scheme.


Indicates the name of the mini-cookie that contains the token for the user session.

Note: This name is not configured using the same value for all SPS that provides single sign-on.