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Connection Pooling Recommendations

Connection pooling is an important part of managing SPS performance. For SPS to provide the best possible service in an enterprise, destination servers must be configured with Keep-Alive messages enabled for connections. Enabling Keep-Alive messages for a destination server allows the SPS to use its connection pooling features.

Keep Alive messages are managed differently for each type of web server.

In addition to enabling Keep-Alive messages, the following settings are recommended for destination servers and the SPS. The table lists the timeout and connection pool recommendations:




Destination Server Keep-Alive Maximum Requests




Destination Server Timeout

Does not time out

Equal to or greater than the HTTP Connection Pool Timeout

Secure Proxy Server HTTP Connection Pool Timeout Unit


Set to seconds or minutes; default is minutes.

Set to seconds or minutes; default is minutes.

Secure Proxy Server HTTP Connection Pool Timeout


1 minute

1 minute

Secure Proxy Server HTTP Connection Pool Wait Timeout



waits until notified


waits until notified

Secure Proxy Server HTTP Connection Pool Maximum Attempts



value is only useful if the HTTP Connection Pool Timeout is greater than 0


value is only useful if the HTTP Connection Pool Timeout is greater than 0

Secure Proxy Server HTTP Connection Timeout



does not timeout


does not timeout