Previous Topic: Integrating the SPS with SiteMinder

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How the SPS Interacts with SiteMinder

SiteMinder is a solution for securely managing e-business. SiteMinder consists of a Policy Server that allows you to specify policies for your enterprise, and Web Agents that are installed on web servers. The Web Agents communicate with the Policy Server to provide authentication, authorization, and other functions.

The SPS contains a Web Agent that is compatible with the SiteMinder Web Agent and Policy Server technology. As all SiteMinder Web Agents, the SPS must be configured as an object in SiteMinder. Policies must be created that determine authentication and authorization requirements for accessing destination servers.

SiteMinder objects are configured using SiteMinder <adminui>. You can configure the following objects:


Configure an agent object with settings for the Web Agent included in the SPS. Specify this Web Agent when creating realms.

User Directories

Configure connections to any user directories that authenticate and authorize users.

Policy Domains

Configure policy domains that contain realms, rules, and policies.


Configure realms that contain resources you want to protect with SiteMinder.


Configure rules that identify specific resources and actions that you want to protect with SiteMinder.


Configure any responses that can return information to applications, or to the SPS. Information returned to the SPS can determine how to route user requests.


Configure policies that bind users and groups to rules and responses.

Note: For complete information about how to configure SiteMinder objects, see the CA SiteMinder Configuration Guide.