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Secure Proxy Server Product Features

The SPS offers the following features:

Access Control for HTTP and HTTPS Requests

SPS allows you to control the flow of HTTP and HTTPS requests to and from destination servers using an embedded SiteMinder web agent. In addition, the SPS is fully integrated with SiteMinder to manage e-business transactions.

Single Sign-on

The embedded web agent in the SPS enables single sign-on (SSO) across an enterprise, including SSO with SiteMinder Web agents that can be installed on destination servers within the enterprise.

Multiple Session Schemes

A session scheme is a method for maintaining the identity of a user after authentication. Core SiteMinder products use cookies to maintain a session. The SPS, however, can maintain sessions based on SSL ID, mini-cookies, device IDs for handheld devices, URL rewriting, IP addresses, and schemes created using the Session Scheme API.

Session Storage

The SPS is equipped with an in-memory session store. The session store maintains session information. The SPS uses a token, such as a mini-cookie or SSL ID, to refer to the session information in the session store. Multiple session schemes and in-memory session storage enable the SPS to provide a solution for e-business management beyond computers, wireless devices such as PDAs and wireless phones.

Cookieless Single Sign-on

Some enterprises prefer solutions that do not use cookie technology. Because of the session schemes and the session store built into the SPS, it offers a solution to enterprises that want an alternative to cookie-based session management.

Intelligent Proxy Rules

Proxy rules allow you to configure different paths for fulfilling client requests from the SPS based on characteristics such as the requested virtual host or URI string. The proxy engine interprets a set of proxy rules to determine how to handle user requests.

Centralized Access Control Management

By providing a single gateway for network resources, the SPS separates the corporate network and centralizes access control.

Enterprise Class Architecture

The SPS is designed to be scalable, manageable, and extensible.