Previous Topic: Configuring Virtual Hosts for the SPS

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Edit the Apache Configuration File To Handle Multiple Virtual Hosts

When you are running multiple virtual hosts in the same operating environment with the SPS, and transactions run in this environment, update the Apache configuration file (httpd.conf). This file is located in the directory sps_home\secure-proxy\httpd\conf. If SSL is enabled for the web server, also make the same updates to the httpd-ssl.conf file, which is located in the sps_home\secure-proxy\httpd\conf\extra directory. The updates vary depending on whether your operating environment is based on IPv4 or IPv6.

To update the httpd.conf file, and optionally the httpd-ssl.conf file, to handle multiple virtual hosts

In addition, update the loopback address entry in the hosts file so that the new host name is added, as follows:

The hosts file is usually located on Windows in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\hosts. On UNIX, the hosts file is usually in /etc/hosts.