Configure Single Point of Entry

When CA Service Desk Manager and CA Service Management are integrated, Single Point of Entry can permit single sign-on to CA Service Catalog.

To configure Single Point of Entry

  1. Install the catalog_server General option.

    Note: For more information, see the Options Manager online help.

  2. Restart CA Service Desk Manager.
  3. Navigate to the CA Service Desk Manager Employee Self-Service page.
  4. Click Browse Catalog Services.

    The CA Service Management logon page appears.

When CA EEM is configured for both CA Service Desk Manager and CA Service Management, Single Point of Entry can permit single sign-on to CA Service Catalog. When single sign-on is configured, the CA Service Management logon page is not displayed.

Note: Single sign-on is not available if you enter CA Service Desk Manager Employee Self-Service as a guest.

To configure single sign-on to CA Service Management

  1. Verify that CA EEM Security options eiam_hostname and use_eiam_authentication are installed.
  2. Set up your users in CA EEM and verify that these users are also CA Service Management users.
  3. Click the Administration tab.
  4. Open the Security and Role management folder.
  5. Click Access Types
  6. Select the Employee role.
  7. Verify that the validation type under the Web Authentication tab is set to CA EEM-Use CA Embedded Entitlements Manager.
  8. Log in as the defined CA EEM user and navigate to the Employee Self-Service page.
  9. Click Browse Catalog Services.

    The CA Service Management main page appears.

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