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TWA SQL Column Names

Column names in the ci_twa_ci and ci_twa_relation tables match the CI and Relationship attribute names with some exceptions.

TWA fields common to ci_twa_ci and ci_twa_relation

apply_after_dt (Apply After Date)

GRLoader executes the transaction only if the current date is after the Apply After Date. Measured in number of seconds since the epoch. If the value is zero (0), this field is ignored.

tran_chg_ref_num (Change Order)

Specifies the change order identifier associated with this transaction. The GRLoader –chg option uses this attribute to select only transactions with the specific change order number.

Note: For more information about using the –chg option option, see Filter By Change Order Number.

tran_status (Transaction Status)

Specifies the status of the transaction must be one of the following values (only transactions with tran_status=1 are executed).


Short Description

Long Description



Default value. Requires intervention to move to "Ready" for GRLoader to act upon this transaction




The transaction is ready to be loaded into either the appropriate CI or relationship tables



Transaction processed successfully



Warning detected during load into ca_owned_resource/bmhier



Error detected during load into ca_owned_resource/bmhier


For customer use


tran_message (Message)

GRLoader message showing results of the load or simulation.

tran_dt (Transaction Date)

Prevents accidental overlaying of current information by old transaction data. The transaction date is compared with the last modification date of the CI and GRLoader rejects the transaction if the CI is more recent.

If GRLoader rejects a transaction as older than the target CI, verify that the transaction is still applicable and set the transaction date manually to be more current and run GRLoader again.

tgt_delete_flag (Active?)

Inactivates the target CI or relationship. Set this value to 1 (one). Not the same as setting delete_flag to 1, which indicates that the transaction should be deleted.

ci_twa_ci columns

In addition to the column names below, you can also specify CI attribute names as column names in your SQL statements.

tgt_id (Target CI)

Specifies the UUID of the target CI. Used when performing manual reconciliation.

superseded_by (Superseded By)

Specifies the UUID of the superseded CI.

tgt_tenant (Tenant)

Specifies the tenant name assigned to the target CI. Tenant only can be assigned at CI creation time if the GRLoader user has proper authorization. Applies only when multi-tenancy is enabled.

ci_twa_relation columns

In addition to the column names below, you can also specify relationship attribute names as column names in your SQL statements.

Use the following database column names when using SQL to define relationship transactions:

provider_name (Provider Name)

provider_mac_address (Provider MAC Address)

provider_serial_number (Provider Serial Number)

provider_system_name (Provider Host Name)

provider_asset_num (Provider Asset Number)

provider_dns_name (Provider DNS Name)

provider_tenant (Provider Tenant)


dependent_name (Dependent Name)

dependent _mac_address (Dependent MAC Address)

dependent _serial_number (Dependent Serial Number)

dependent _system_name (Dependent Host Name)

dependent _asset_num (Dependent Asset Number)

dependent _dns_name (Dependent DNS Name)

dependent_tenant (Dependent Tenant)

If provider or dependent CI UUIDs are known, you can use the following fields:

provider_id specifies the UUID of the provider CI

dependent_id specifies the UUID of the dependent CI

Note: provider_tenant and dependent_tenant only apply when multi-tenancy is enabled.