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Start Web Director

You can start Web Director from the command line, or configure your pdm_startup file to start it automatically.

To start Web Director

  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Enter the following command:
    webdirector [-S slump_name] [-c cgi]
  3. Use variables as follows:

    Specifies the slump name of the web director. The slump name uniquely identifies the web director process. This argument is required only if you want to start more than one web director. Otherwise, we recommend leaving it at its default value of web:director.


    (Optional) Specifies the name of the CGI process used for the web director. If this argument is not supplied, it defaults to pdmweb_d1.exe.

    Web Director starts and sends a message to all running web engines. The web engines associated with that web director (that is, those configured with UseDirector Yes, AfterLogin, or BeforeLogin, and WebDirectorSlumpName equal to the web director’s slump name) respond with their configuration settings. When a web engine that is configured to use web director starts, the web engine sends its configuration settings to its associated web director. This action lets web director keep an up-to-date list of all active web engines.