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Show Status of Daemons or Processes

The ldap_virtdb process manages interactions between CA SDM and the LDAP virtual database.

To show the status of all CA SDM daemons (UNIX) or processes

  1. Execute pdm_status at the command line with no parameters:

    The pdm_status command shows the status of all CA SDM daemons (UNIX) or processes (Windows) on the system where the command is executed, for example:

    DAEMON                         STATUS      HOST      PID   SLUMP CONNECT TIME
    Agent antfarm                  Running     antfarm   455   Tue Feb 17 17:55:12 
    Ddict_rd             (ddictrd) Completed   antfarm   
    Data Dictionary   (ddictbuild) Completed   antfarm   
    User Validation      (boplgin) Running     antfarm   456   Tue Feb 17 17:55:21
  2. Examine the command output for the status of the ldap_virtdb process.